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Acts, Voice Divine Add comments
… but the church was earnestly praying to God for him

3 Encouragements from God – to the saints in hardship :
1. God knows our sufferings (v.1-4)
2. God is willing to listen to our prayers. (v.5-17)
3. God can deal with our enemies. (v.18-25)
Be witnesses of Lord with no fear!

* Gone through by Lord’s grace — Sister Yu Yau Fong ??? from Australia requests prayer for Winnie Wong ??? – from church in Melbourne. Winnie used to meet in church HK. In 92’ she moved to Australia. 3 years later she suffered from cancer & recovered at last. In 99’ She then had recurrent cancer , experienced miraculous healing, doctor amazed. So Winnie & husband offered r whole lives to serve the Lord. She completed the course on Christian counseling, thus helped many saints in hardship. But last week she found cancer relapsed the third time. Whole church praying for her now, sure that God has his wonderful plan on reviving & blessing the church. Pls pray to strengthen faith & hope for Winnie, bless the church in Melbourne in fighting good fight

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