I Was Hungry You Gave Me Food!

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Love the Lord now and forever! – Ark Channel 18/02/2021 Thu Matthew 25b

… whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. (v.40)

God gives us talents, because of love —
1. Your care for the least visible – God remembers!
2. Your willingness to give in this time of darkness – true wisdom!

Matthew 25:31-46

* Everywhere I settle, I serve as a shepherd! – Recently I have gone from Virginia Beach northward to Philly, Boston, Maine (20 inches of snow!), at Virginia Beach’s Victory Baptist Church I met Richard, 32 years old, with whom I read Romans, one chapter a day. He was once a drunkard and hooligan, and went to jail, now he is a truck driver. During his parole, he came to church and repented – it is never too late! Please pray for Richard, that by the Lord’s power He will restore Richard’s life! – Bro. James

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