Nevertheless Not As I Will

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But As Thou Wilt! Ark Channel 20/02/2021 Sat Matt 26b

and fell on His face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; … (v39)

How to Move Forward at Life’s Crossroads
1. Good deed: at the right time, offer to the Lord! (v6-13)
2. Covenant: drawing on His precious blood, receive His love, His pardon (v14-35)
3. Prayer: faced with decisions, consider for the sake of self or God’s? (v36-46)

Matthew 26:26-46

* Learn to get along with people of a different personality and character is key to build-up of relationship and success in collaboration. Hear Pastor Pastor ZE KOU /寇紹恩 speak on Jacob’s life, exemplifying this life wisdom: arkchannel sharing Ajith Fernando

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