Beginnig and End?

Revelations, Voice Divine Add comments
Behold, He comes with the clouds … <1:7>

The future in sight – Focus on Almighty Lord, the author & finisher (Abstract of 22 chapters of the Revelations)?

Ch. 1-3 Revelation of Jesus Christ – Son of Man and 7 churches / letters to 7 churches
Ch. 4-5 The throne in heaven
Ch. 6 -7 Opening of first 6 seals – judgment on world / 2 groups of beholden people
Ch. 8 The 7th seal & first 4 trumpets – judgment on earth, sea & sky
Ch.9-10 The 5th and 6th trumpets – judgment on non-believers/ secret of 7 thunders, John ate little book & prophesied
Ch. 11-12 The 2 witnesses, the kingdom completed when 7th trumpet sounded / the child taken up, the woman fed by God and dragon battled
Ch. 13-14 Beasts from sea and land / ;new song in heaven, disasters on earth – ripe & harvests
Ch. 15-16 Glorious scene on heaven –overcomers praised the Lamb and God / plagues of 7 vials
Ch. 17-18 Worthy is the Lamb, triumph on evil woman and the beast / fall of Great Babylon
Ch. 19-22 Marriage of the Lamb, return of Christ / the millennial kingdom – last judgment / Eternity!

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