Sun After Rain!

Acts, HK Bible Conference, Voice Divine Add comments
…were glad for its encouraging message…

Partnership is precious – treasure your fellow brother (Paul and Barnabas) :
1. Together they have resisted heresies under pressure (v.2)
2. Together they have risked their lives for the name of Lord (v.26)
3. But they were parted because of disagreement (v.39)
Which do we treasure today, your work? or your team?

* Last Saturday an accident occurred after baptism meeting, but God had protected us. A sister who has just been baptized and was pregnant for 5 months, fell into the baptiam pool (all water drained away already!). Saints called ambulance and found the doctors in the hall to take care of her. They prayed & sent the sister to hospital. After a detailed check, the sister found no problems and discaharged . Praise and thanks the Lord! Pls pray for this sister Pang so that her baby and whole family be blessed by God!
?Essence of HK Bible Conference (6) – 1990-“Is it a waste to offer yourself to God? There is no wasting in God’s kingdom. Everyone who are willing to commit his whole self to God, is a man used by God.” (“ On Esther”– Rev. Lau Siu Hong???)

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