Come and Follow, Come and Serve! – Sunday Hope_28/02/2021

Mark, Sunday Hope Add comments

Come and Follow Me! Sunday Hope 28/02/2021 Mark 2b

… I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. (v.17)

Be Quick and Nimble!
1. Thank you, Jesus! You are the Lord who forgives sins, the friend of sinners, the Lord of Sabbath!
2. You come and call us, when we are lost in sins, when we are lonely and in distress!

Mark 2:13-28

* Lord I Love You with My Heart (主啊,我心愛你in Mandarin) was composed by Brother Calvin Chao /趙君影 during the war period. He was invited to preach the gospel in a certain place. He did not have the money to travel there. He prayed with his wife and they sensed there was something at home they had not offered to the Lord– their wedding ring! They took it to the pawn shop on a rainy day. He took a few steps back and could not hold his tears. Yet he knew that it was the will of the Lord and it was more important to save souls. He was moved by the Holy Spirit and composed this song, which he passed down to the future generations. Note the lyrics too. (They gained many young souls overseas years later.)

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