Loving YOU Despite Tears And Brokenness!

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Be Fervent! Ark Channel 01/03/2021 Mon Mark 3a

…said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” (v5)

Highlights of The Lord’s Work:
1. He worked with the people to restore them
2. He trained the talents so they can carry on after Him
3. He binds the enemy, respects God’s will

Mark 3:1-19

* Professor Zhang Wen Liang / 張文亮教授 who does research on water, land and air resources experienced the pain of losing his twins and was at the verge of suicide. His wife prayed for him and encouraged him to write down the stories of the scientists he had collected. He spent 30 years doing that and it is inspirational to many. In a miraculous encounter he met Jesus and was finally able to let go of the burden. (For details read his new book 「宇宙這麼大,你就是奇蹟」)*

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