In Him We Move?

Acts, Voice Divine Add comments
…He has given proof of this to all men by raising Him from the dead.?v.31?

3 different responses to God’s words :
1. Strongly oppose?v.1…9?… there is always die-hard resisting of the faith!
2. Head for the goal?v.10…15?… Are we serious to our Lord? study Lord’s words everyday?
3. Mocking and sneering?v.16…34?… Even if you deny the existence of God, He is still your
Lord of creation, provision, ruler and saviour!

?Today’s report of Sing Tao Daily — The young inventor Chan Yik Hei of Hong Kong has read “The Purpose Driven Life”. He said he likes to break up the electronic appliances since he was young, from it he felt deeply that God had His plan since he was created. Yesterday he met Rick Warren, the author of “The Purpose Driven Life”, and Warren made a joke with him, “God must be very happy to you, since He is also a great inventor – you are alike with you Father!”
?Essence of HK Bible Conference (7) : 1989 – “The Spirit will support every men belonging to Him, even they come to the last minute of their lives, they can still overcome…may the Spirit bring us across the unknown way. “ (Acts of the Apostles –Rev. Donald Y.K. Lau)
?Tonight 7:00 pm I am going to preach to 90 youths in a gospel camp. Pls pray for it.

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