We Journey Through Life’s Storms!

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Because of Jesus we enter into the light! – Ark Channel 05/03/2021 Fri Mark 5

The Lord looks out for us (v1-20):

The Lord looks out for us (v1-20):
1. The Lord rather sacrificed 2000 pigs to save the person in despair.
2. This is Jesus’ compassion: with this heart, authority will be with you.

Mark 5:1-20

* Myanmar is in turmoil, and the locals do not know what will happen next. The church in Myanmar reminds Christians of the best way – to pray in response to the crisis. To the best of our knowledge, in more peaceful regions, there are prayer meetings, with believers praying for the difficult times and calling out to God. Though the days are getting harder, the saints there are continuing to preach the gospel.

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