Weary the Road, Good Provides!

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I have compassion for these people! – Ar Channel 11/03/2021 Thu Mark 8

…But where in this remote place can anyone get enough bread to feed them? (v.4)

* Having been with the Lord for three days, their food was coming to an end! But why be discouraged? Just wait a moment, the Lord will extend help! (v.1-9)

Mark 8:1-21

* Prof. WL Chang/張文亮教授 lost a volleyball the first year at high school; his classmate helped him pay for the loss and asked him to go to church; he promised to go after the mock exams. Until senior year, his classmate invited him again, and he kept his word. After the gathering he thought, “This is likely the last time I’ll go to church.” But just as he exited, he looked at the words on the wall of the church, “God is light, God is love”/「神就是光,神就是愛」. That evening, he kneeled down and prayed, wanting to know that He is light and love. From that point on, the door to faith was opened.

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