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Seeing No One Anymore, but only Jesus! Ark Channel 13/03/2021 Saturday Mark 9

… Jesus…led them up on a high mountain apart by themselves, and He was transfigured before them. (v.2)

1. The transfigured Jesus stands out in timeless and unparalleled prominence, against the New Testament backdrop of Moses and Elijah.
2. The truth of His resurrection is ground shaking, turning our eyes to the spiritual realm. Now listen to Him and each of His holy words!

Mark 9:1-29

* Discovering Life After Death with Luis Palau – Dr Luis Palau has recently been received home by the Lord at the age of 86. Listen to his humorous and steadfast gospel message before his departure from this world. As a young boy of 10 years old, he was moved by his father’s memorable testimony before death and since then dedicated his life to evangelism.

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