Laid His Hands And Blessed!

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Leave His Parents, Two Become One! Ark Channel 15/03/2021 Mon Mark 10a

But from the beginning of creation, God created them male and female. (v6)

Marriage and children (v1-16) is the core strength of the Kingdom of Heaven. Regardless of how frivolous men has become, the words Jesus said in Mark 10 still stand strong! Whether we are willing to be simple and obedient like a child stems from our heart!

Mark 10:1-31

* World population has exceeded 7 billion. In the past, 82% of Christians lived in the west. But in 2020, two-thirds of Christians live in non-western countries. With the increasing material wealth of the west, man’s heart has drifted further away from God. The economic, political and religious landscape is undergoing a major reversal. Will the churches in Africa, Asia and South America be first? I hope the brothers and sisters in the west will strive harder!

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