Nor Will I Ever Abandon You!

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He Found Nothing! Ark Channel 17/03/2021 Wed Mark 11a

…’The Lord has need of it’… (v3)

* Aren’t we all small colts? Small, unable to bear much burden and tied up by many things. But if we are untied and brought before the Lord, the Lord has need of us!

Mark 11:1-14

* In Maine I shared God’s love with the fishermen there. Visited 44 year old Dan who was hurt when catching lobster and underwent a 5 hour surgery to rectify his spine. May the Lord reduce his pain. I also met Dan’s cousin , Scott, who is 60, also a fisherman. He has lupus erythematosus. May the Lord save him, help him to accept the Lord. Deer Isle has a population of 500, mostly fishermen. I plan to visit them, preach the gospel and to start a home Bible study. Please pray!

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