His Will be Done!

Acts, Voice Divine Add comments
… Why are you weeping & breaking my heart?.. I am ready .. to die …for the name of the Lord Jesus!

Follow Lord’s will till the end :
1. Seek God’s will — we seek not our own interest ,but for the wide spread of gospel.(v.1-13)
2. His will be done —commit our all to God, and He will . (v.14-40)

?Bro Cheng Kwok Ming??? and his family will be back to Vancouver tomorrow. They had moved to North America from HK few years ago and heard the gospel there. They had moved back to HK for 6 years. During this period they experienced lots of God’s grace, having his lost son back. Now they are led by the Lord to settle in Canada. We had a farewell for them in prayer meeting . May God use the Chengs family -a blessing to the church in Richmond!
* Treasure on web: Hundreds of messages by famous pastors (can find sermons of all 66 books of Bible)(Realplayer)

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