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Acts, HK Bible Conference, Voice Divine Add comments
You will be his witness to all men … (v.15)

Three Steps to witness for the Lord —
1. My past (v.3-5) — our past, our views & values before coming to Jesus…
2. His Revelation (v.6-16) –how the glorious God visited us & changed our meaning & purpose of life!
3. God’s calling (v.17-29) — This is our story – striving for the eternal life and Kingdom!

*pray for the church in Indonesia – Among the 200 millions of people in Indonesia ,80% Muslims. Prosecution is often, but the Lord still attracted many.Speaker of this yr HK Bible Conference (1/8 – 10/8) is Pastor Tong Sung Ming from Indonesia. He had pastured church in Bandung for 45 years! Now increased to 7,000 messges — “Across the Hardship , All for Jesus” —

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