He Has Risen! He is Not Here! – Sunday Hope_28/03/2021

Mark, Sunday Hope Add comments

The Lord Working with Them – Sunday Hope 28/03/2021 Mark 16

… Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. (v.15)

Darkness, Death, Absurdity – these will not last forever
Resurrection of Christ – this presents 3 great things:

1. Brand new opportunity to preach the gospel
2. Miracles and signs to follow our way
3. Lord of heaven and earth to work with us

Mark 16

* Letter from Dixon Ip / 葉特生 (Los Angeles) –- Peace was all around under the pandemic. I took the second dose of Moderna jab yesterday. No discomfort. My health is in good shape. I jog outdoors in the morning and evening, 3 miles each…. The hospital is assessing liver transplant for me. Various tests were taken. The cancer specialist was to write a final report but did not know how to begin. It began like this, “An extraordinary case…. Two years and a half have passed since the diagnosis. But the cancer cells have not spread. Tumour has not grown larger. My suggestion is to put everything on hold. Re-examination is the best way we can do. Is it really cancer, or what cancer cells are they?” Glory to God! I have just videoed a gospel sermon at home for the local church, to be broadcast in April at the gospel crusade. (Local church meetings are still held online.)

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