See the World from a Different Angle!

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Experience His Love in Your Life Pursuits!- Ark Channel 03/04/2021 Saturday Luke 3

And all flesh shall see the salvation of God. (v.6)

* John the Baptist clarified his role as a pioneer to open up the path for the Lord, that he was not the Saviour. By setting an example with his words and deeds, he prepared people’s hearts, for the Holy Spirit’s work to change their hearts and made them a new creation! This is the greatest thing we can do today.

Luke 3:1-20

* The Word of God teaches us about His being, His doing and His longing for how man should respond to Him. A Bible scholar tries to grasp these themes and explain every book in one word. It is a meaningful attempt, and good for us to memorise these one-word themes.Every Book of the Bible in One Word (

Gospel tract: Jesus the Resurrected Saviour

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