Living Hope?

Acts, Voice Divine Add comments
.. about a dead man named jesus who Paul claimed was alive!

Acts of the Apostles tells us:
1. To acknowledge that the Director of history is ever present (v.1-12) — Therefore Christians can march forward without fear to hardships!
2. To see the invisible hand which masters the world (v.13-27) — Kings, rulers or even our ups & downs are all chess pieces in God’s hands paving the way -as for Paul to Rome. When we perceive history in the eyes of Bible, we can calmly live by faith!

* Sandy & Billy (HK) share a miracle —“My aunt’s husband suffered from lung cancer…thanks to prayers of saints, he received the salvation and even insisted to cleanse the idols in his home…every time I visited him he showed his belief of the only true God in the world. He prayed often also, and he hoped that his family can be saved so that they can meet in heaven. When his situation turned bad, God spoke clearly from his mouth to encourage us to help in cleansing the idols in his home, — “Go together & He’ll give strength!” Then we prayed urgently and went to his home to cleanse idols … when we were working my aunt and her daughter found peace down in their hearts. On that day they both believed in Jesus ! 4 days later my uncle was baptized beside his bed. After 5 days he was taken by Lord with peace & hope. Pls pray for his son & daughter-in-law to be saved. May the Lord be with you all, amen!”

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