Sure Hope?

Roman, Voice Divine Add comments
For I am not ashamed of the glad tidings; for it is God’s power to salvation, to every one that believes…

Core message of the gospel —- Jesus Christ Himself :
1. The power of gospel — which saves all who believe!
2. The “Impossible” for God — God can’t save those who don’t believe! To believe is like to sign a document before a surgery, meaning to hand your life to the doctor. Who can help those refuse to sign?

?Dr. Stephen Ho???, a surgeon in Canada ,once talked about the delicacy of the immune system of human beings which the scientist know very little about until today. He had participated in numerous operations, and had treated people with of every color. He praises the wisdom and power of the Creator every time he had an operation. Dr. Ho said that , as a well trained medical doctor, he can’t deny the presence of God!

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