Love Your Neighbour As Yourself! Sunday Hope_18/04/2021

Luke, Sunday Hope Add comments

Who is My Neighbour? – Sunday Hope 18/04/2021 Luke 10b

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with al your strength, and with all your mind…. (v.27)

* Jesus reminds us not to rejoice in the effective results of our service, that demons are subject to us, but rather rejoice because our names are written in heaven (10:20). A sweet relationship with God is better than reputation and position in the religious circle.

Luke 10:25-42

* Online Gospel Meeting “生命的再思/Rethinking Life” — testimony and gospel message. Speaker: Dixon Ip / 葉特生(Organiser: Chinese Baptist Church)

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

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