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Dispersion is Expansion! – Ark Channel 15/04/2021 Thu Luke 9

So they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere. (v.6)

Shaking the dust off expresses that the fate of Gospel rejectors have nothing to do with us!
1. Preaching the Gospel is our heavenly mission; no need to compel, just tell and let the hearer choose.
2. Do not covet worldly benefit; those who reject the gospel, we do not take anything from them.

Luke 9:1-27

* James (US) writes: Recently I have been visiting fishermen’s families, preaching the gospel of the cross. Many families here are suffering because of drugs, alcohol, and broken marriages, and hearts need to be changed. Recently, I visited a family where the husband, by the Gospel, quit alcohol for over 10 years, and started to learn how to care for his wife (who has a motion disability). A crass man became gentle, what a miracle! His change has brought light to the island’s fishermen, may the Lord continue to rescue this group of people; meanwhile, please pray for me as I preach!

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