Those Who Are Last Will Be First!

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Yet I must press on, today, tomorrow and after! – Ark Channel 24/04/2021 Sat Luke 13

People will come from east and west and north and south, and will take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God. (v.29)

God’s Kingdom is full of vitality!
1. As pilgrims our journey must go through hardships. Every generation of believers must strive to enter through the narrow door! (13:18-30)
2. Our King of Glory is sent by God. He submits to God’s will and press on, though He knows well it is a lonesome path! (13:31-35)

Luke 13:18-35

* The Holy Spirit is working in all the land despite COVID-19. Read the Chinese report by Ambassadors Magazine on the Irvine Valley College, Orange County, California. See how faith thrives in pandemic times: arkchannel sharing

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