Serve Willingly!

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Glory To The Lamb! Ark Channel 26/04/2021 Mon Luke 14b

…please consider me excused. (v19)

God’s Salvation Is Like A Grand Supper With Everything Ready:
1. The guests abstained, delicacies wasted! The host enthusiastically invited, free for all. Know the LORD’s desire, invite all you come across!
2. Their acceptance is their decision! While the door of grace is still open, we should compel people to enter the kingdom of God!

Luke 14:15-35

* There are two major categories of evidence to prove God exists: 1) Objective evidence such as those in nature. 2) Subjective evidence such as our conscience. A wise man once said there are two things the more we ponder, the more we find it profound and lasting. The admiration and awe aroused by these two things is always fresh no matter how old. One is the vastness of the universe and the other is the supreme sense of morality in us. God is high above and He is also in my heart.

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