Pray Tirelessly!

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The rich man also died! – Ark Channel 30/04/2021 Fri Luke 16b

…so that they will not also come to this place of torment. (v.28)

Faithfulness today will bring eternal blessing:
1. We must strive to be good stewards – pray that God gives us wisdom, loyalty, and the ability to manage well(v.1-18)
2. We must have ambitions beyond this life – preach the gospel to our family! Do not harbour regrets! (v.19-31)

Luke 16:19-31

* Margaret Lau/劉文采 was once named San Francisco Business Times’ Most Influential Woman in Business. She experienced a divorce and her son was involved in a car accident, but she also had the grace of God on her. Her story: arkchannel sharing

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