You Will Have Treasure In Heaven!

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I Want To Regain My Sight! Ark Channel 04/05/2021 Tue Luke 18b

But He said, “The things that are impossible with people are possible with God.” (v27)

Do Not Shrink Back, Seize Every God Given Opportunity (v35-43):
1. The blind man seized his only opportunity, unrelentingly cried for the Lord’s mercy!
2. Lost about the future? Pray for a change in your destiny, ask for the Lord’s guidance!

Luke 18:18-43

* The pandemic in India is critical. Coincidently I was reading about Carey William, a British missionary who went to India and translated the Bible into nearly 30 languages and planted churches. He suffered a blow when his painstaking translation was destroyed in fire. He submitted to God. Afterwards, he had another opportunity to translate and the gospel spread! Those who walked before us dedicated their lives to the gospel. Now we should pray for India, to save lives and souls. ~ a newly baptised high school student reading the biography of Carey William.

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