
HK Bible Conference, Roman, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
… but the Spirit itself makes intercession with groanings which cannot be uttered. <8:26>

Surpassing the sufferings and into glory?Rom 8:18-39??
1. 5 kinds of sufferings — we always suffering from -perishing of the body, helpless in weaknesses, oppressions on earth, accusations by the enemy, facing judgments in shame & frustration.
2. 3 helps to overcome — But the Spirit is praying for you, Christ is taking our part, God’s love is with us forever!

?2 nights before we have a farewell for the 3 speakers of this year’s HK Bible Conference. Abstract of messages – click?28 sermons in 10 days , 110,000 man-time is recorded in total. 1,200 + saints offered themselves to serve the Lord, some considered full-time serving. Pls pray for their spiritual progress!?

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