Stay Alert, Praying At All Times!

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Distress Among Nations! Ark Channel 10/05/2021 Mon Luke 21b

…so that your hearts will not be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of life… (v34)

Be Prepared To Meet God!
1. According to Bible prophecy, the world will not become better. Our ultimate hope is the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
2. World situation changes suddenly. Be watchful and pray to escape evil and be able to stand before the Son of Man. (21:36)

Luke 21:20-38

* ‘Quarantine’ comes from Italian, meaning 40 days. The Black Death was prevalent in the Middle Ages. When the Italian army returned from overseas, the king went with them to an uninhabited island to pray quoting Moses’ prayer in Deuteronomy, praying for 40 days and nights, asking for God’s protection. Later Nightingale established the concept of quarantine and epidemic prevention system was started

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