Friend of Sinners, Mighty Saviour!

Luke, Pray Add comments

My God – the All Sufficient One! – Ark Channel 14/05/2021 Fri Luke 23a

Herod… plied him with many questions, but Jesus gave him no answer. (v.8-9)

* In the New Testament, the most sorrowful response Jesus gives is no response! Even to Judas and Pilate, the Lord spoke to turn them away from their sin, but to this person who was mired in his sin, the Lord stayed silent. Jesus uses silence to resist mankind’s insults; it is our example, and a warning to us too!

Luke 23:1-25

* From Ajith Fernando – The battle with COVID-19 in Sri Lanka is getting more & more serious. Several that we know have been affected with a few deaths also. Among my prayers is that the church, & especially YFC, would know how to sacrificially, boldly, & wisely witness to the gospel & be of service to our needy people. One thing we can all do is to pray earnestly. We have revamped my English YouTube channel. It deals with several key issues facing the church today – arkchannel pray

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