Objects of Mercy!

Roman, Voice Divine Add comments
…how unsearchable His judgments, and untraceable His ways! <11:33>

Can’t understand and can’t stop praising:
1. The mystery of God (v.25-32) — God’s gifts & His call are irrevocable & irreversible.
2. God of Mystery (v.33-36) — God’s abundance, wisdom & knowledge are unsearchable and untraceable.
The end of theology is only praise!

* A young brother named Ah Aun has 6 brothers at home , all serving God. Recently Aun helped me in HK bible conference .He toldme one day he met an old woman who gave me a fruit with a big smile. The old woman told him that she was money seeker all over her life until her 60, she suddenly realized the meaning of life as she gotthe problem of Parkinson diease . She converted to Jesus and brought her family to Christ. She’s now over 70 years old. Disease left her, while the Lord came to her and she still lives happily on earth!

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