Lifted up His hands He blessed Them!

Luke Add comments

Don’t Be Frightened, Don’t Doubt! Ark Channel 17/05/2021 Mon Luke 24b

Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures (v45)

Luke’s Exclusive Record:
1. Things and people may not turn out as expected. But never be disappointed with God. The suffering Messiah is walking silently with the discouraged!
2. He has opened the tomb and opens our heart. The great power from heaven will instruct and bless us (v49-51)

Luke 24:36-53

* Highlights of mail from Sri Lanka (1)
… hostility towards evangelists has escalated in Sri Lanka. 45 years of ministry has given us many precious friends. Hence my prayer list also covers many people, problems and countries. Prayer keeps us close to God and His love…
My wife is diligent working for the church, updates the elderly through text messages, sends prayer requests and spends hours on the phone with saints, Sunday school students and talks with parents as well as assists in relief work (to be continued tomorrow) – Fernando

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