
HK Bible Conference, Roman, Voice Divine Add comments
… in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrificies …

1. A living sacrifice (v.1-2) — All mercies of God are shown in previous passages (Romans 1-11). According to God’s will, offer our whole body , spirit & every single details of livelihood- to live for a pleasing & perfect life!
2. Our limitation (v.3-8) — our blind spot is either overrating ourselves or not realizing our gifts. The more “spiritual” you are, the more humble you should be — as you serve amongst saints!
3. Quality of saints (v.14-21) — blessings (v.14), sympathetic (v.15-16), live at peace (v.17-18), overcome evil with good (v.19-21)!

* Many enquiries about HK Bible Conference for this year. The summary for 26 sections of sermons
* Sam Kong requests — from coming Sunday until September, church have evangelistic meetings in ten meeting halls. Pray for souls in HK! — 20/8 A more fruitful life (SPK), Joy remarkable (TKO), You lack one thing (TM), A full life (CWB)

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