To Him that overcomes?

Revelations, Voice Divine Add comments
… to him will I give of the hidden manna… a white stone…a new name … <2:17>

Keep your love, faith, purity & conscience :
1.Church in Ephesus?2:1…7? … The love & power of the cross is secret of overcoming in every occasion!
2. Church in Smyrna?2:8…11? … Tribulation tough , but there is an end. Walk faithfully since Christ had overcome!
3. Church in Pergamos?2:12…17? … separate ourselves from the world will experience intimate relations with Lord?v.17?
4. Church in Thyatira?2:18…29? … Heresies & false teachings flourish, can you keep the genuine faith? (Have you spend time on studying the whole Bible?)
The 7 letters :
1/ are written to the 7 churches that really exist in John’s times
2/ are also written to all churches in the ongoing history
3/ are revealing various situations of the believers in church at anytime.
The Revelations is the ending of Bible. Judgment must begin at the house of God. What is God most pleased with you ? How about the things He is against?

?Yesterday I have a long talk with BroChow Mao Lam ??? – a leader in Vancouver. He said that the church should not only aim for the increase in number. The growth in quality is more important. They promote Bible reciting for the whole church, first memorizing the key chapters of the Bible, e.g. Rom 8, 12, and then the Philippines, Ephesians, Timothy…Book by Book . Saints worked hard in memorizing every Book with heart . Lately they will memerize the Hebrews. Every saint is established in the Word, with strong sense of mission & shouldering. Bro Chow spoke about people from many different classes are able to have a solid spiritual life in their church because they heard the voices of God!

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