Peace of God!

Roman, Voice Divine Add comments
he God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly …<16:20>

How many co-workers in Christ do we have?— (v.3,7,8,9,10,11,12):
1. Can we tell the lives of 26 saints at once in any time? do you love & remember them often?(v. 1-24)
2. Have we laid down our lives for brothers & sisters, for God’s church & His work? ( v.3-5)
If there really are “saint” on the world, it should be found in church and among saints!

?Last week Bror HT Kwok ??? requested prayers for his gospel messages on last Saturday at TST & Sunday at Tuen Mun. His missions completed . May the Lord continue to heal his sickness so that he can reach further for God’s kingdom.
?yesterday I witenessed in another gospel meeting – son & daughter of Bro WK Hau ??? pledged to believe Jesus openly. God had answered their father’s final prayer! I also knew a sister in hospital who asked for a day’s leave , to accompany her mother to listen to the gospel. Her mother believed yesterday. (40+ echoed altar call.)

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