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Your Son Is Alive! Ark Channel 24/05/2021 Mon John 4b

…he himself believed, and his entire household. (v53)

* The child was dying and the father pleaded with the Lord to rewrite the fate of the family!
Dear Lord of Life, please lift up your hands today and remember our dear ones!

John 4:27-54

* God’s might: I know Steve. When he was young, his father used to take him to bars. He was not able to make it at school. At 25, he tried drugs once. He encountered evil spirits and shouted the name of Jesus out of fear and asked Jesus for help and immediately felt relieved. After that, he went to church but his experience of accepting the Lord was rejected. He bought a Bible and thereafter for 30 years, he read the Bible everyday, being close with the Lord. 30 years have passed and being single, he remains happy! Glory to God. Brother James from US.

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