God of Peace!

Roman, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you should abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. <15:13>

Who can be used by God? —- 5 characteristics:
1. All by God’s grace (v.14-15)
2. Be a servant and priest (v.16)
3. Boast on God’s glory only (v.17)
4. Work by the Spirit (v.18-19)
5. Obey God’s arrangement only (v.20-24)

?Prayer request — Pls pray for John & Jessie, couple from HK who love & serve Jesus faithfully. Their baby Philip , 10 months , hurts his leg recently. Now he has gotten a fever for 2 months already, also found 6 lymph sarcomas. Doctor can’t find out reason. Pray for him & this family – to continue serving the kingdom !

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