Life Transformed ?

Roman, Voice Divine Add comments
… Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another …

3 virtues of Christians:
1. To obey the authority (v.1-7) — Obeying brings peace to us because — a) all power comes from God; b) God will judge; c) we should have no fear if we do good.
2. To love the others as ourselves (v.8-10) – We should repay our debts – repay our debt of love for the whole life!
3. To walk in light (v.11-14) – “Now” is a key moment. We stop doing evil since we have a hope!

*Our friend in Christ HT Kwok Ho Tung ??? brings students to Christ every year. He is going to speak in gospel meetings in 19/8 night & 20/8 morning . His family busy since his daughter was born; his workload at school increased ; moreover, his waist in pain for 4 months. He is suffering from pressure outside & weaknesses inside .Needs the Lord’s grace . Pls pray for him!

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