Bring to Light!

Corinthians 1, Voice Divine Add comments
.. all are yours, and you are of Christ … (v.22-23)

Say goodbye to kindergarten —- pathetic church & believers:
1. Be mature and grown up in God’s home (v.1-4) — Are we still envy and divisive among us, act in flesh & uplfting leaders, ignorant in God’s will – these are all childish behavior(spiritually)!
2. Be of good quality in God’s planting (v.5-23) — Offer experience of life which is eternal, beautiful and scarce to the Lord. No inferior goods can be included in Lord’s project!

* 2 days before I met a father who has just brought his daughter to the Lord. He asked God to strengthen her faith. His daughter received exam result recently (she has to get 2 A’s and 1B to enter a foreign – but she only got 1A1B1C) . The girl thought she had lost the place, but the university insisted to admit her. She didn’t believe & phoned the university again . Still she can’t understand why and could only knee down and praise God!

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