He Shared In Our Sorrow & Joy!

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He who loved me and gave Himself for me! – Ark Channel 17/06/2021 Thu John 16a

…But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. (v.13)

A farewell sermon – three predictions:
1. Prediction of suffering (v.1-4a)
2. Foretelling the Holy Spirit (v.4b-15)
3. Prophesy of His return (v.16-33)
* Do not fear, our advocate is with us!

John 16:1-15

* Sri Lankan pastor Vernon Perera has been gathered to the Lord. He has finished his life’s work. Last year, he delivered a sermon titled “Depth of God’s Love” (John 13), in which he poured out his heart. (Calvary Centre AOG, message begins at 16:20) 

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