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Revelations, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
I come quickly: hold fast what you have, that no one take your crown. <3:11>

Two callings of love – Jesus misses you :
1. Calling to repent (3:1-6) … church in Sardis has reputation of being alive but actually dead. However, God is still calling. Why do we have to disappoint with yr our church?
2. Calling to have victory (3:7-13) …church in Philadelphia is full of love, keeping God’s command, lifting up His name. Open heart to God leads to open door !

*Johnson Li writes from Toronto (15): 100 Verses that Change the World. (Mark 8:36) Francis Xavier (1500-1552)- he studied in Paris & became professor of philosophy. Being a successful young man, he spent his free time gambling. One day afterlecture, his old friend quoted him a verse, ‘For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?’ This verse changed his life. He quit the professorship, began evangelistic work in northern Italy. He traveled back & forth between India & Japan. worked in Goa & Moloccas, traveled through East Asia . He Gained 30000+ souls to Christ. Later he arrived at Guangdong. He died in the following year at the age of 46. What’s your purpose of life? Where are you heading off to? Let’s invest our lives in eternity!

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