Pain and Agony At Gethsemane!

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Preaching God’s Kingdom Everywhere! Ark Channel 21/06/2021 Mon John 18a

…“Put the sword into the sheath; the cup which the Father has given Me, am I not to drink it?” (v11)

The Lord’s bitter cup we cannot drink; but in His suffering, His grace flows abundantly. If you and I know God’s will, are we still willing to proceed?

John 18:1-18

** Ah Zhu travelled to the US and started a restaurant in San Francisco. His ambition caused him to be heavily in debt. Then, he met Mr.Fang, a Christian, who helped him manage his accounts and he was able to financially recover his shop. Ah Zhu believed in Jesus and served his brothers and sisters as a chef. arkchannel sharing

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