Strict Training , Crown Forever!

Corinthians 1, Voice Divine Add comments
… they may receive a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible? <9:25>

Train strict – to win the reward in both the present life and life to come:
1. Be a slave for the gospel?v.1…23? — Are we giving out our all – even our rights – for gospel’s sake?
2. eternal work of the Kingdom?v.24…27?– Are we training ourselves strict like Olympic players – every details of our life is working for eternity?

?A teacher, who was once a patriotic youth, led teachers and students to strike. Afterward he got successful in business. He moved to New Zealand first and then to Canada. He devoted his time for children, methods tokeepfit , and Buddhism. But after he got in touch with saints, he was amazed by the wonders of the Bible. He read it through nights and felt the clling of God. He was baptized in 2004 with his wife in Vancouver – finally he found the truth!

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