The Suffering Servant!

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Suffer Is But a While, Steadfast in Obeying God’s Will! – Ark Channel 24/06/2021 Thu John 19b

Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water. (v.34)

* Behold, the slain lamb, the King on the Cross! The Saviour’s experience on the cross fulfilled the words of Scripture: not one of His bones will be broken! In man’s eyes, the Lord’s death was lamentable; in God’s eyes, the Lord’s death gave life – the purpose is divine!

John 19:23-42

* As fire refines, in God’s hands we burn but are not consumed, we glorify God! Hear Dr. R.C. Sproul speak on The Meaning of the Burning Bush

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