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Lord, Have I Spent For Thee? Ark Channel 28/06/2021 Mon John 21b

…Jesus said to him, “Tend My sheep. (v17)

1. Previously Jesus gave the disciples a rich catch of fish. The new work ahead is to be fishers of people. In life’s different circumstances, manifest life’s salvation and transformation.
2. Through us, believers, the tabernacle is extended, revealing God among the people, still working through His grace.

John 21:15-25

* Historian Eusebius‘ record: Once John in the vicinity of Ephesus brought a young man to Christ. Afterwards, the young man made some bad acquaintances and became a leader of bandits in the mountain. John went up the mountain and deliberately let the bandits catch him. When the young man recognised John, he ran away in shame. Old John said, “…If you want, I am willing to die for you. Christ sent me to find you…” The young man put down his weapon and wept bitterly. He followed John down the mountain and became a true Christian. This is John’s love and also the love of Christ.

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