Heavier Cross, Better Saints?

Corinthians 1, Voice Divine Add comments
And now abide faith, hope, love…the greater of these is love.

Abba Father, fill my heart with your holy love:
1. All gifts are for building the church
2. Christ is the summary of the 15 virtues of love
Lord, do not let this “psalms of love” (1 Cor 13) a checklist for me, but a living Christ who is manifested in my personality!

?In the 1930s , civil war in China. Gangsters were common. A brother was taken captive with many people in Shaanxi. His hands were tied kept in robbers’ house. He remembered that Peter was saved by angels , so he prayed. Then he really freed his hands by himself. He asked Lord to make the robbers asleep again -the robber slept even snored! Finally he escaped & told this story in Sunday meeting!

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