Rock of Ages, My Everlasting Help!

Acts Add comments

Preach Him, Love Him! Ark Channel 030721 Sat Acts 5

…but the people esteemed them highly. And believers were increasingly added to the Lord…. (v13-14)

Our Lord, after His resurrection and ascension, is still leading the church:
1. Faced with corruption and falsities inside the church community, and safety threats from outside, believers of the Lord still manifest virtues in their character.
2. With joy in our hearts and respects earned, we look up to the Lord to keep us safe today!

Act 5

* Come listen to Brother Raymond Chin/錢衞民 who shared the salvation story of his father. A touching message on 19 June 2021 for Father’s Day:

My Father’s Heart. /父親的心In Cantonese, with interpretation in Fukien dialect

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