God is faithful !

Corinthians 1, Voice Divine Add comments
…are we stronger than He? <10:22>

Lessons of History— 3 warnings:
1. Miraculous experience not lifelong protection?v.1…4?– be mature -this is target of life.
2. A promising start is not reliable?v.5…12?– to stand till the end , finish the race !
3. Take special attention ?v.13…22?– Be single-hearted – live for the glory of God!

?Bill Gates & the Bible…I have read through new book — 9 Advices to the Youths– written by Bill Gates of Microsoft. A paragraph caught me. It’s about once when Bill Gates was young ,he attended a boring Bible class. The pastor came up & challenged the students to recite a long-winded passage from the Bible. He promised to give a prize for winner- a meal in the restaurant on Space Needle in Seattle. Bill really memorised it and won his meal. See -the Bible is not really hard!

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