His Word Can Build You Up! – Sunday Hope_04/07/2021

Acts, Sunday Hope Add comments

No Complaints and No Disputes – Sunday Hope 04/07/2021 Acts 6

Then the word of God spread, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly…. (v. 7)

Features of a believer – as lights shining:
1. Of good reputation (v.3)
2. Full of the Holy Spirit (v.3)
3. Full of wisdom (v.8)
4. Full of faith (v.5)

* Twists and turns fill the following chapters of Acts. Yet testimonies of surpassing life, which is an outcome from the knowledge of Christ, laid the foundation of church building and expansion.

Act 6

* Let us sing to praise and proclaim the hope granted by our God!
Songs Of Hope Medley. (2021) – Saddleback worship

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