Glorious Hope?

Corinthians 1, Voice Divine Add comments
…and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed?<15:52>

4 questions on secret of life & death:
1. Will the dead really raised??v.1…19?…evidences: our salvation, prophecies in Old Testament, and the shocking change of the earlier saints.
2. When will the dead raised??v.20…28?…When He returns!
3. Why should the dead raised??v.29…34?49…58?…our works not in vain because He resurrected and now living!
4. How will the dead raised??v.35…48? …Like the seeds, which will grow after burying. Our mortal body will perish but the spiritual one will last forever!

?Someone said the main reason for the fall of church is the saints wake up late. Great leaders in Bible are all early birds to meet God. Lord himself woke up early ?Mk 1:35?. Taylor Hudson, Charles Spurgeon, George Muller, John Wesley…or saints in modern times like Wong Chi??, Moses Yu???, Enoch Yeung???…all woke up early to seek God’s face! In Psalms it writes, “My voice will come to you in morning, O Lord; in the morning will I send my prayer to you, and keep watch.” <5:3> A newspaper reported that in America a customer had a US$26 meal but he appreciates the service of the waitress and gave him US$10,000 for tips! Wake up early tomorrow to seek God, He is ready to reward us!

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