Fear God As We Sojourn!

Acts Add comments

Serve, Fast, Pray! Ark Channel 14/07/2021 Wed Acts 13a

…the Holy Spirit said, “Set Barnabas and Saul apart for Me for the work to which I have called them.” (v2)

The Holy Spirit Can Use A Prepared Vessel:
* God’s zeal for His purpose and dwelling place consumes Him. But God needs an equipped and trained team as His vessel to let His life flow! May we become the precious vessel for God!

Act 13:1-25

* The HK Bible Conference will be held online on 1-10 Aug. The three main speakers this year are: Mr. Kwok Kuen LEUNG/梁國權, Rev. Alex McCoy and Rev. Timothy San-Jarn Wu/吳獻章. Study guide (mobile/iPad version) is free for download

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