Peace be Multiplied!

Peter 1, Voice Divine Add comments
… the proving of your faith, much more precious than of gold which perishes … proved by fire <1:7>
…who through faith are shielded by God’s power until th e coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time <1.5>

Sojourneying — follow Jesus’s path :
1. Having an inheritance in Heaven— to win over all kinds of trials with hope & joy. (v.1-12) Please remember we have a huge amount of off shore investment! !
2. Having the Lamb in our heart — waiting for Jesus Christ to reveal – based on His precious blood and imperishable truth. (v.13-24) Pls remember that Jesus our Savior is the One who suffers!

* My friends Michael S, Mona M & Elaine Y report the gospel meeting 3 nights ago (run by GNCI ) was blessed. God heard prayers – 1,800 people attended . 90% of them accpeted Christ as Saviour! Praise the Lord of victory! I also preached in 3 gospel meetings in secondary schools with Uncle Tong, now 76 years old. We preached from morning till afternoon, Tong shared his story with 800 teenagers — he went to jail for nine times. God didn’t give up on him and so he repented. I shared (1) God has forgiving love (2) God has unchanging love (3) Grasp opportunity to change your destiny, in youth !

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